Daniele Chiari Chef della Royal Protocol Hospitality e Catering
Daniele Chiari, nato e cresciuto a Genzano di Roma, paese dei Castelli Romani, da quasi vent’anni è emigrato in giro per vari Nazioni.
Ha iniziato le sue esperienze nel campo culinario nel 2000, prima nel “forno a legna da Sergio”, suo zio, rinomato panettiere Genzanese, e poi in alcune trattorie locali del piccolo borgo romano.
La sua carriera da cuoco, pero’, inizia nel Grand Hotel St. Regis e Hotel De Russie, della catena alberghiera “Rocco Forte”.
Nel 2006, il giovane cuoco, spinto da una grande fermezza e voglia di conoscere il mondo, emigra in Olanda, dove lavorera’ per ben 3 anni nel Ristorante “Roberto’s” dell’ Hilton di Amsterdam.
Nel 2009 sbarca negli emirati con la catena alberghiera dell’Hilton, aprendo il suo primo ristorante “Il Piacere Del Gusto”. Torna in Europa per una stagione estiva, lavorando a Montecarlo, nel ristorante “L’ Osteria del Mare” di Gennaro Gattuso.
Nell’inverno del 2011 prende in mano un nuovo progetto con la Marriott hotels di Doha in Qatar, dove gestisce per un anno “Cucina” trattoria della tradizione italiana.
Forte del suo bagaglio culinario italiano e internazionale, fa la sua prima esperienza da Chef esecutivo nel 2013 in Kazakhstan, dove aprira’ il primo Resort 5 stelle (Rixos Hotels) nel paese, per il Presidente Kazako.
Nel 2015 vola in Bielorussia, dove avra’ occasione di aprire un nuovo Hotel, il Renaissance Marriott di Minsk. Due anni per creare un team locale pronto a soddisfare le esigenze culinarie del paese, e Daniele parte per una nuova avventura.
Un anno di transito come consulente culinario di vari hotel e ristorante in Kazakhstan e Seychelles, lo preparano per la sua nuova esperienza nel Medio Oriente.
Daniele Chiari Chef, con al centro il presidente della Royal Protocol Sua eccellenza Signor Khaled Al Abbad
Alla fine del 2017, vola in Arabia Saudita, dove ancora oggi e’ lo Chef della Royal Protocol hospitality e catering, a capo di un team di cuochi internazionali per gli eventi ufficiali del governo.
Visita dei Capi di Stato internazionali nel paese, Islamic conferences, Arab summit, GCC summit e altri importanti eventi politici del governo Saudita. Ad oggi, vive e lavora a Riyadh, dove si è trasferito con la moglie Ardana e i 3 figli, Samuele, Mansur e Rayyan Leonardo.
La sua cucina è una cucina originale, diversa e contaminata dalle mille sfumature delle particolarità culinarie mediterranee, arabe e asiatiche: una cucina ponte tra Europa e Asia.
Crede nella tradizione, nello sviluppo e nel rinnovamento, che migliorino positivamente, e uniscano nello stesso binario: sapori, qualità e quantità”.
Questi sono alcuni dei catering governativi e sportivi organizzato da Daniele durante gli anni all’estero:
Nel 2015-16 durante l’impiego presso il Renaissance Hotel di Minsk, Bielorussia, ha organizzato il pasto per club di calcio come Barcellona, Spagna, PSV, Porto, Fiorentina, Leverkusen.
Sempre nel 2015 ha partecipato al congresso del treno UN70 Belarus Express per “Sustainable Development Goals” è stato un sogno condiviso delle Nazioni Unite e del Ministero degli Affari Esteri della Bielorussia che mirava a celebrare il 70° Anniversario delle Nazioni Unite.
Ha Organizzato gli eventi di catering 2018 del summit dei paesi islamici a Dahran, Arabia Saudita.
Nel 2018 ha organizzato il suo primo catering per il Summit dei paesi del Medio Oriente G.C.C. a Riyadh.
Nel 2019 ha Organizzato i catering per Arab e Islamic Summit a Makkah, Arabia Saudita.
Sempre nel 2019 ha preparato il catering dell’evento governativo Saudita per la visita del presidente russo Putin è il primo ministro Indiano Nerendra Modi in Arabia.
Nel 2020 ha cucinato evento per la visita del Primo Ministro giapponese Shinzo Abe a Riyadh.
Nel 2022 ha coordinato gli eventi dei paesi Arabi e G.C.C. summit con la presenza del presidente Usa Joe Biden a Jeddah Sempre nel 2022 ha organizzato il catering dei vertice della Lega Araba e G.C.C con la presenza del presidente cinese Xi Jinping a Riyadh.
Dal 2018 ad oggi gestisce gli eventi culinari governativi del periodo Religioso del Ramadan e Hajj a Mecca.
Ho scritto il mio primo libro culinario nel 2019 “Il sapore dei miei passi”.
Daniele Chiari Chef della Royal Protocol Hospitality e Catering
English version:
Daniele Chiari, born and raised in Genzano Di Roma, a town in the Castelli Romani, has been emigrating around various countries for almost twenty years.
He began his experiences in the culinary field on 2000, first in the “forno a legna da Sergio”, his uncle, a renowned Genzanese baker, and then in some local trattorias in the small Roman village.
His career as a chef, however, began in the Grand Hotel St. Regis and Hotel De Russie, of the “Rocco Forte” chain.
In 2006, the young chef, driven by a great firmness and desire to know the world, emigrated to Holland, where he has worked for 3 years in the “Roberto’s” restaurant of the Amsterdam Hilton hotel.
In 2009 he landed in the Emirates with the Hilton Ras Al Khaimah hotel, opening his first restaurant “Il Piacere Del Gusto”. He returns to Europe for a summer season, working in Montecarlo, in Gennaro Gattuso’s restaurant “L’Osteria del Mare”. In the winter of 2011, he took over a new project with the Marriott hotels in Doha, Qatar, where he managed a traditional Italian trattoria for a year.
Strengthened by his Italian and international culinary background, he had his first experience as Executive Chef in 2013 in Kazakhstan, where he opened the first 5-star Resort (Rixos Hotels) in the country, for the Kazakh President.
In 2015 he flew to Belarus, where he worked for the Renaissance Marriott in Minsk, as Executive chef. Two years to create a local team ready to satisfy the culinary needs of the country, and Daniele sets off on a new adventure.
A year of transit as a culinary consultant of various hotels and restaurants in Kazakhstan and Seychelles prepared him for a new excited experience in the Middle East.
In the end of 2017, he flew to Saudi Arabia, where he is still the chef of the Royal Protocol hospitality and catering, leading a team of international chefs for official government events, like international heads of state meeting lunches, Islamic conferences, Arab summits, GCC summits and other important political events of the Saudi government.
To date, he lives and works in Riyadh, where he moved with his wife Ardana and 3 sons, Samuele, Mansur and Rayyan Leonardo.
“His cuisine is an original cuisine, different and contaminated by the thousand nuances of Mediterranean, Arab and Asian culinary peculiarities: a cuisine that bridges Europe and Asia.
He believes in tradition, development and renewal, which improve positively and unite in the same track: flavors, quality and quantity” Some of the important culinary mission done by Daniele in the last years: 2015-16 during the employment in Renaissance Hotel of Minsk, Belarus, organized the meal for top football club like, Barcellona, Spain, PSV, Porto, Fiorentina, Leverkusen In the same year participated to the congress of the UN70 Belarus Express for Sustainable Development Goals train was a shared dream of the United Nations and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus that aimed to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the United Nations.
2018 Daniele was in charge of the meals for Islamic country Summit in Dahran, Saudi Arabia In same year he cooked for event of GCC (Gulf Country) Summit in Riyadh.
2019 In charge of kitchen for the event of Arab and Islamic Summit in Makkah In the same year he was in charge for the catering organization of event for the Visit of Russian President Putin and prime minister of India Narendra Modi in Saudi Arabia.
2020 chef in charge for the meal event of Prime Minister Japanese Shinzo Abe in Riyadh.
2020-2021 During the pandemic time Daniele wrote his first culinary book “The taste of my steps”.
2022 chef of catering organization for the Arab and G.C.C. summit with the presence of U.S. President Joe Biden in Jeddah.
2022 chef in charge of organization catering for Arab league and G.C.C summit with the presence of Chinese President Xi Jinping in Riyadh.
From 2018 until today Daniele is in charge for catering events of Ramadan and Hajj in Makkah.
Daniele Chiari Chef della Royal Protocol Hospitality e Catering
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Analytics cookies also belong to this category. These are cookies that collect information about the use that a user makes of a website and that allow it to improve its functioning. For example, analytics cookies show which pages are most frequently visited, allow you to check which are the recurring patterns of use of a website and help you understand every difficulty that the user encounters in using it.
Profiling cookies
Other cookies can instead be used to monitor and profile users while browsing, study their movements and web consultation or consumption habits (what they buy, what they read, etc.), also for the purpose of sending advertising of targeted services and customized. In this case we speak of profiling cookies. The use of these cookies requires the prior acquisition of the user's free informed consent pursuant to art. 7 of EU Regulation 2016/679.
Third party cookies
It may also happen that a web page contains cookies from other sites and contained in various elements hosted on the page itself, such as, for example, advertising banners, images, videos, maps or specific links to web pages of other domains that reside on servers other than the one on which the requested page is located. In other words, these cookies are set directly by website or server managers other than this website. In these cases we are talking about the so-called third-party cookies, which are usually used for profiling purposes. The use of these cookies requires the prior acquisition of the user's free informed consent.
Types of cookies used by our site
The main functions of the cookies installed by the site are technical, they are used to constantly improve the Service, for authentication, for statistical purposes, such as counting visits to the site. The use of cookies is therefore strictly aimed at facilitating the functions of the server while browsing the Service.
The site also allows the sending of the following third-party cookies. These cookies are not tools of our ownership, for more information, therefore, it is possible to access the information and the forms for acquiring the consent of the third parties, by clicking on the links shown.
To improve the website and understand which parts or elements are most appreciated by users, third-party cookies from Google Analytics are used as an anonymous and aggregate analysis tool. These cookies are not tools of our ownership, for more information, therefore, you can consult the information provided by Google.
Some web pages incorporate YouTube video content within them. By visiting a page containing a video, or clicking to view the video, cookies from YouTube may be recalled. These cookies are not tools of our ownership. To find out more, visit the Google information page.
Cookie management
The user can manage his preferences relating to cookies through the functions present in common browsers that allow you to cancel / remove cookies (all or some
Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously.
11 months
This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics".
11 months
The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional".
11 months
This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary".
11 months
This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other.
11 months
This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance".
11 months
The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. It does not store any personal data.
Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features.
Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors.
Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.
Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads.