George Digalakis Photographer

George Digalakis Photographer

Who Am I?
George Digalakis is an award winning, fine art photographer, based in Athens, Greece, with a passion for black and white, minimalistic images that convey the beauty of nature.

Although, I’ve been an art lover and a fanatical museum-goer for as long as I can remember, I have never thought of myself as an artist. I used to love the image making process and the dark room environment in the film era, but I viewed it only as a hobby. This, however, changed in 2010, when after attending an online photography course, I realized that this medium would offer me a getaway from reality, and enable me to express my inner world. Art, and photography in particular, proved to be a constant inspiration and a life-changing experience.

Through my art I aim to reveal the beauty of the landscape, whilst creating images that people can relate to and which can inspire a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere, even in compact living spaces. In an attempt to satisfy my need for harmony, order, and aesthetic sense through symmetry around the horizontal and vertical axes, I strive to achieve the ultimate square format.  I am inspired by nature as seen through my eyes: serene, beautiful, and ordered. My images inhabit a world of Zen to be experienced through sight, but also through the eyes of the soul, stimulating the imagination. 

My intention is to create surreal, beautiful, and unearthly landscapes, with the power to transport one to exotic, remote and never-before visited places, touched by a melancholic atmosphere, but without ever being melodramatic.

Through others’ eyes
“In contemporary minimalist photography, the emotional life of the artist is present, as can be seen in the work of George Digalakis. I love his drama, you could call it Romantic Minimalism.” Frank Peters’ Blog

“Surreal Silence by George Digalakis. The intense and almost surreal silence of his minimal, black and white images reveal a depth and sense of emotion that is enough to entrance a viewer into wondering about the story that’s going on within the image. With such poetic titles such as “Where Dreams Come True” and “As Time Goes By” many of the subjects in George’s photographs appear to be coming out of a mist.” USA Art News

“If you like ethereal long exposure black and white, you will love his work and portfolios. Whilst this style has been a little overdone in recent years, I doubt you will tire of these images. The thought and composition that’s gone into the creation of his work just ooze quality. The second reason I recommend visiting his site is his blog. Unlike a lot of blogs that ramble along without contributing anything, George shares some gems. He gives a real insight into how he creates his work and you can learn a lot from these articles.” Lenscraft

“When we speak of landscape photography, minimalism isn’t usually the first technique or style that comes to mind. With black and white, however, there’s more of that given the strong influence of masters, particularly Ansel Adams. When you combine the two, the results are actually stunning, as landscape and fine art photographer George Digalakis demonstrates in his Minimal Landscapes set.” The Phoblographer

“Just want to say Wow!! You have a true talent for photography. I’ve looked through your work and I really love your style and how you capture a story in every photography.” Erika, YouPic

“If I want to relax my soul, restore inner harmony, enjoy quality, get aesthetic pleasure, plunge into the world of grace, then I go to your gallery !!! Work as always Excellent.” Hanna Lerm

“Your work is so “Zen” and relaxing, George! Real invitations to meditation!” Yvette Depaepe,

“So, your perspective is always enjoyable. It offers a complete context of the object of the photo which in turn makes the entire photo “the thing”. Too many photographers think they create art by perspective experimentation while your eye seems to have learned all you need to make it whole. I am impressed. You have the good freak eye, rare, and your decisive moments are well chosen, at least the ones you share are terrific!” S.d.Modiano

“I am a young Spanish amateur photographer. I love photography because of people like you. Your work is inspiring. All your photographs invite you to dream. I met you by chance reading a magazine and I have not spent a day since then without taking a look at your portfolio. “ yeyelpi on IG

“George, you are a master, in so many ways and motives, always that secure feeling for a mood without an unnecessarily sentimental overload. Impressive and constant quality!” Jos Letschert, artist

“I discovered your work surfing the internet, and suddenly you stopped the time. It was amazing to discover how you combine minimalism with nostalgia, using long exposure in shots and editing in gray scale, creating a wonderful atmosphere. It’s amazing!” Laly Leandro

All that is good, but what have you achieved?
In 2021 I have been announced “Photographer of the Year” at Visions International Photo Awards, Toulouse, France, while in 2018 I won the prestigious “Hermes” award of the Hellenic Photographic Society. I had five solo gallery exhibitions in Ioannina 2015, Athens 2018, Thessaloniki 2018, Athens 2022, and Sofia 2022. I have also participated in more than 50 group exhibitions around the world. My work has been recognized in many international competitions, such as Hellenic Photographic Society 2022 (Gold Medal), TIFA 2018 and 2021 awards (Gold Medals), Px3 (Gold Medal – twice), Minimalist Photography Awards (1st Place), Siena Awards (Runner-Up), APOY, Sony World Photography Award, FAPA, SITTP, ND Awards etc.

In 2020 I was one of the 6 photographers included in the documentary series “Hunters of Eternity” for the Greek television. Presentation of my work has also been published in various magazines and sites – Lens Work Magazine, Zoom Magazine, LeMag Magazine,, Digital Camera, Shot Magazine, Blur Magazine, Minimalism Magazine, Schwarzweiss Magazine, Dodho Magazine, Yatzer, My Modern Met, F-Stop Magazine, Citylia Magazine, Photographize magazine, Culturamas etc., while my articles about photography have been published on LEMAG magazine, Dejavu magazine, Minimalism magazine, etc. 

Finally, I’m represented by ECAD Gallery (London) and Saatchi Art (USA).

What else?
I’m a medical doctor, born and living in Athens, Greece. I like traveling and while I have been passionate about many different hobbies throughout my life, it took me 40 years to discover my true pathos for art, and photography in particular. Discovering photography is amongst the things I am most grateful for, despite having to often wake up in unearthly hours, get soaked to the bone or lose my equipment in windy cliffs around the world. Getting to feel the printed image with my hands, and achieving the intended appearance and atmosphere, is a sufficient reward for my efforts.

Living in a country surrounded by sea has obviously influenced my work. Water areas and vast open spaces can be found in most of my works and are an integral part of my personal style. I am constantly looking for landmarks which convey timelessness, simplicity and sometimes mystery. I’ve won multiple awards and taken part in numerous exhibitions around the world, but the turning point in my career was winning the silver medal in the Px3 competition, back in 2014. I was so excited to realize that my images have the quality and uniqueness to stand out in the international photography arena.

If you are interesting in a more detailed information about me and my art, please view and/or download my detailed BIOCV SHORTCV FULL, and STATEMENT in PDF format.

George Digalakis Photographer
George Digalakis Photographer
George Digalakis Photographer
George Digalakis Photographer
George Digalakis Photographer
George Digalakis Photographer
George Digalakis Photographer
George Digalakis Photographer
George Digalakis Photographer
George Digalakis Photographer
George Digalakis Photographer
George Digalakis Photographer
George Digalakis Photographer